Justaguynamedmorph - If you say, "when will you return to Jehovah," you have employed their own volcabulary (which THEY understand) and challenged them on their identity in a way that is meaningful to THEM.
Sure they'll say 'we are...blah blah bla'h - but this phrase isn't often said TO them.
Being kind to them can help, after all they are being cheated and it is sad. But even those who are still in but mentally out cannot wake up those who do not want to hear. It is a kind of superstition that holds them not any real association with the teachings in the Bible/Christianity.
Vanderhoven7 - yes no doubt some just view it as telling people God's name is Jehovah. A different approach was taken with me. I was told that making God's name know was Jesus showing people what Jehovah was really like. I certainly was in a very nice congregation for a time, where there were a good number of genuine Christians.
(John 14:9) . . .Jesus said to him: “Have I been with you men so long a time, and yet, Philip, you have not come to know me? He that has seen me has seen the Father. How is it you say, ‘Show us the Father’?
Our congregation was viewed as a refuge from other congregations where the elders were harsh.